Service Lifecycle Management (SLM)

Your service ecosystem needs accurate job and asset information to optimise ongoing service delivery. The Service Lifecycle Management (SLM) application tracks jobs, customers, assets, agents, orders and invoices.

Raise Jobs

Raise jobs and track any activities that can then be used to generate an invoice.

Job activities allow a single job to contain multiple activities. Whilst the customer and generic job details are stored at the job level, the activities within the job can be for different assets, have different dates and labour costs alongside the various product parts used in each activity.
Assets are linked with contracts to identify chargeable and non-chargeable service jobs based on the contract profile.

Manage Customers

Manage a customers jobs, assets, supplies, orders and invoices.

Customer contact and location data is maintained centrally in BMS, with specific interfaces showing the relevant customer data within each application.

In service, within the customer profile, you can raise and view service jobs, place a supply order for one or many assets, and view outstanding invoices.

Track Assets

Track asset profitability through it's ongoing service and order history.

Assets are individual instances of a product that are linked to a customer, a location and a contract. The service and order history of an asset allows you to quickly diagnose any threats to the profitability of a service-based contract.

Usage data is available to compare an asset's order history of supplies against the yield of the supply, helping to improve asset performance and profitability.

Schedule Agents

Assign outstanding jobs to agents via a calendar-based scheduling interface.

Agents are the business entities responsible for completing a service job, and within an agent you can have one or many engineers.

Outstanding jobs can be scheduled for engineers using an innovative calendar-based scheduling interface that takes into account business hours, job estimates and the engineers prior appointments.

Place Orders

Place supply orders that can be compared against contracted expectations.

Orders can be placed for the product supplies available on an asset. The order history of the asset can then be used to identify it's profitability against a contract.

The service application is also tightly integrated with the stock application for fulfilling supply orders in the warehouse, displaying stock on hand, and linking products with assets and orders.

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